“I needed to find a regular discipline to learn French as we have bought a property in France and like to spend as much time there as possible. Where we are in the southwest, there are not too many English-speaking people but the main reason for learning is for the joy of being able to parler with locals, new friends and neighbours. The ProLanguageTraining course is a great way of understanding and learning the language and is kept interesting by the great group of people in our class and the pleasant, patient and skilful way that our tutor works us. It’s nice to actually look forward to the lesson and I am making progress and gaining confidence whilst still appreciating that there is a long way to go”.
Cultural awareness training
Learn everything of the business and culture, customs and practices of your counterparts when overseas
Understand how to interact successfully and without faux-pas abroad!
Create and build a real rapport when doing business wherever your company operates
Feel comfortable and fully aware when on a business trip ...or when off-duty!
At ProLanguageTraining, we understand your vital needs to build a successful rapport with locals even if you cannot yet master fully the local language or idiom.
Our cultural awareness course includes linguistic elements (idiomatic expressions, vocabulary, basic structures) as well as key perspectives on how to operate and get things done in a foreign environment.
The training is proposed
- in groups or one to one, face to face
- with experienced nationals
- with a content focused on your specific objectives
- at a pace and place suitable with your time-table: from a workshop seminar (1day) to a couple of hours several times a week.
Feel free to phone us and explain what you really need, your objectives, details about your company or your specific industry: for you, ProLanguageTraining will build a cultural awareness training adapted to these technical, professional or geographical requirements.
Ask for a quote